EXHIBITIONS | Here Friendship Dwells (Form and Landscape) from IN MOTION | The Huntington on Vimeo.
George Chaffey residence Doug White 1942
She left him there, with his shadows and her memories.
Ella lo dejó allí, entre sus propias sombras y los recuerdos de ella.
Accident - J. S. Showers - Fullerton Highway G. Haven Bishop 1937
She had to choose, but one direction was as good as another.
Tenía que escoger, pero la dirección le daba igual.
A1.2 - Accidents - Scene of Accident (Aeroplane in line) G. Haven Bishop 1936
Things on the road were simple and obvious.
En la carretera, las cosas eran sencillas y claras.
L1.2 - Lighting, streets - Night Lighting - Sodium Vapor - Saugus G. Haven Bishop 1937
It led to Los Angeles.
La conducía a Los Ángeles.
L1.1 - Lighting, misc. - Billboard - night lighted - for mortuary G. Haven Bishop 1936
L1.6 - Lighting, service stations - Night view in Whittier (before) G. Haven Bishop 1937
The gas jockey stood there, hands in pockets to hide the grease under his nails. He drifted over to the pump when she stopped, looking down at her as if she were the first person he’d seen that night or the last he would ever see.
El chico de la gasolinera estaba allí, de pie y con las manos en los bolsillos para esconder la grasa bajo las uñas. Se acercó al surtidor de gasolina cuando ella se detuvo. La miró como si se tratara de la única persona que había visto esa noche o la última que vería en su vida.
Los Angeles Junction Railroad crossing Joseph Fadler 1956
The night and the freight train seemed to go on together forever.
Parecía como si la noche y el tren de carga no fueran a acabarse nunca.
General Office Display Window - 'Give' Red Cross drive Joseph Fadler 1952
Something had to happen.
Algo tenía que pasar.
Cityscapes at night in Los Angeles County from the local mountains Joseph Fadler 1958
And then the city disclosed itself, as if its purpose was entirely composed of right angles.
Y, entonces, la ciudad se mostró, como con planes compuestos únicamente de ángulos rectos.
Los Angeles rail yard Joseph Fadler 1955
Dawn proved the purposes were something else.
El alba demostró que los planes eran otros.
Residential street Joseph Fadler 1957
She drove around looking for a room to rent.
La mujer seguía dando vueltas en el auto, en busca de un dormitorio para alquilar.
Victorian home exteriors Joseph Fadler 1966
She found one, upstairs in the back on the left.
Encontró uno, arriba, al fondo a la izquierda.
Lady seated in chair against white backdrop Doug White (No date)
The young couple had the two rooms in front. They hadn’t been married long. The wife wasn’t used to the shabbiness of marriage yet.
La joven pareja tenía las dos habitaciones de frente. No llevaban mucho casados. La esposa aún no estaba acostumbrada al desgaste de la vida matrimonial.
Man with an intense look, standing behind ornate chair. Doug White (No date)
The husband expected to be somebody some day. He had aspirations, but he wasn’t sure which ones they were.
El marido quería ser alguien algún día. Tenía aspiraciones, aunque no estaba seguro de cuáles eran.
H2.5 - Home Bedroom - Hansen Home - Bedroom G. Haven Bishop 1938
And there was something between them already.
Ya había algo que los estaba separando.
Lady seated in chair against white backdrop Doug White (No date)
She was invited to join the couple in their sitting room. It was cooler there in the October heat. She told them that she enjoyed their company.
La invitaron a unirse a la pareja en la salita. En el calor de octubre, se estaba más fresco allí. Les dijo que disfrutaba de su compañía.
H2.5 - Home Bedroom - Home of Dr. D. A. Harwood - powder room G. Haven Bishop 1935
Afterwards, he thought of her often.
Después pensó en ella a menudo.
A2-Bc-Air Conditioning-Flynn's Grill-people in the bar-San Fernando G. Haven Bishop 1938
He met her once, purely by accident, in a bar on Broadway.
La conoció una vez accidentalmente en un bar en Broadway.
Store interior with 1 variant showing magazine rack Joseph Fadler 1952
He met her again at the drugstore down the block. He had his car and offered to give her a lift.
Se volvieron a encontrar en la farmacia de la esquina. Él tenía su auto y se ofreció para llevarla.
Lighting (night) - Golf driving range Joseph Fadler 1952
They stopped for a while.
Se detuvieron un rato.
Eaton's diner Joseph Fadler 1957
After, they had a bite to eat.
Luego fueron por algo de comer.
Commercial Lighting - bowling alley - Pomona - interior, empty alleys Doug White (No date)
She went bowling with him, but the wife stayed behind, although all three had planned to go.
Fue a jugar bolos con él, pero la esposa no vino, a pesar de que habían planeado ir los tres.
Lococo's Cockatoo Inn (Hotel) - Pool, Lobby, interiors Joseph Fadler 1961
It seemed to him that whatever happened that night, it was all planned the way it would turn out. He was right.
A él le dio la impresión de que, pasara lo que pasara esa noche, todo saldría como estaba planeado. Tenía razón.
Display Window - 'Electric Power Serves: Farm - Home - Industry' Joseph Fadler 1952
She told him how a tearful confession would soften his wife’s resistance. She told him that a reconciling bourbon and seconal would produce an easeful sleep. She told him that wives often ran away from their husbands. Nobody would think that unusual.
Ella le dijo que una confesión llorosa atenuaría la resistencia de la esposa. Le dijo que bastaría con un whisky de reconciliación y barbitúricos para inducir un sueño placentero. Le dijo que las esposas dejaban a sus maridos con frecuencia; a nadie le parecería extraño.
Field on Citrus Ave. Joseph Fadler 1956
Later, the road led them away from the city.
Más adelante, la carretera los condujo fuera de la ciudad.
Vincent Transmission Line - N-11-1 - Cultivating across front of car G. Haven Bishop 1950
To a field.
A un terreno extenso.
Hydro Division - Poole Plant safety accident 1960
To a pit; it seemed to descend forever.
A un hoyo que parecía no tener fin.
Commercial Lighting - Stores - Cross Roads Market, Pomona Doug White (No date)
He got cold feet after that. She looked at him then, and made up her mind.
Después de eso, el hombre se acobardó. Ella lo miró y tomó su decisión.
Accident - auto crashed into parked truck Joseph Fadler 1953
He was sick with guilt and fear. It wasn’t hard to persuade him to let her drive. It wasn’t hard at all to make it look like an accident.
Estaba angustiado por la culpa y el miedo. Fue fácil convencerlo de que la dejara conducir. Fue fácil hacer que pareciera un accidente.
La Brea Hospital Joseph Fadler 1959
They did everything they could for him. She acted the distraught wife and blamed herself. Hadn’t he warned her more than once to have the garage check the steering?
Hicieron todo lo que pudieron por él. Hizo de mujer desconsolada y se echó la culpa. ¿Acaso no le había pedido él varias veces que fuera al taller para que revisaran la dirección del auto?
A1.1 Personal Injury-Accident - Lillian Waitman, Hi-grove foot injury G. Haven Bishop 1937
Even the police were sympathetic. They took her home. The attendant took him away.
Hasta la policía mostró solidaridad. La llevaron a casa. Uno de los oficiales se lo llevó.
Lighting - Harold Hughes Used Cars Joseph Fadler 1952
She bought a car with the money in his wallet.
Compró un auto con el dinero que él había dejado en la cartera.
Car near reservoir 1955
She paused only to weight the few possessions the husband and wife had and to sink them into the dark water.
Se detuvo solo un momento a lastrar las pocas pertenencias del marido y la mujer y hundirlas en el agua oscura.
Yucca - main street c 1940
The road was clean and uncluttered and dispassionate.
La carretera estaba limpia, despejada, imperturbable.
Big Creek Powerhouse #4 - finished diversion tunnel intake portal G. Haven Bishop 1949
It led to where it would take her next.
Llevaba adonde la conducía ahora.